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Steve's Story

Don’t give up hope. There is always someone who has been on the journey you are about to partake in. You are never alone.
In 2016, I started feeling unwell and experiencing shortness of breath, but didn’t think much of it, at first. It wasn't until the symptoms worsened that I was brought to the hospital and was diagnosed with kidney disease. My kidney function was only around 15%. I started making immediate changes to my diet and started immersing myself in learning more about kidney disease. With the support of my wife and my entire family, we became diligent about reading food labels and monitoring sodium levels. In November of 2017, I received a life-saving kidney transplant from my sister. 

I started advocating for The Kidney Foundation and became involved in patient and family advisory councils, where I offered my insights and experience within the renal community. Despite some health challenges, I have been able to maintain an active lifestyle, by walking daily and maintaining a good balance, both mentally and physically. The incredible support of my family, especially my wife and children, have been a major part of my journey. 

My children have helped ensure that I stick to my medication and lifestyle changes, supporting me in monitoring my water intake and restricting my sodium levels. The amazing generosity of my sister, who selflessly donated her kidney, continues to inspire me every day. Witnessing her recovery and great health today has been a deeply inspiring experience. I'm extremely grateful for the gift of life she gave me.

My involvement with The Kidney Foundation and the support network in Sault Ste. Marie inspire me to give back and provide support to others facing similar challenges. Through fundraising initiatives and participation in the Kidney Walk, I'm dedicated to offering support to individuals navigating similar journeys. My goal is to walk alongside those impacted by kidney disease, ensuring that nobody has to confront these challenges alone.