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Since 1964, The Kidney Foundation of Canada has been guided by three fundamental principles: innovation, leadership, and collaboration.

Our Vision

Excellent kidney health, optimal quality of life for those affected by kidney disease, and a cure.

Our Mission

The Kidney Foundation of Canada is the leading charity committed to eliminating the burden of kidney disease through:

  • Funding and stimulating innovative research for better prevention, treatments and a cure;

  • Providing education and support to prevent kidney disease in those at risk and empower those with kidney disease to optimize their health status;

  • Advocating for improved access to high quality health care;

  • Increasing public awareness and commitment to advancing kidney health and organ donation.

Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is about what makes each of us unique – it’s about all of the things that make us who we are. Embracing diversity celebrates that all of these things together make the whole much greater than the sum of the parts. 

The Kidney Foundation embraces diversity and believes that all Canadians are equal and should be valued as individuals irrespective of their backgrounds. We will not tolerate discrimination of any kind and will maintain full compliance with provincial Human Rights legislation.

Discrimination has no place within The Kidney Foundation of Canada; we reflect this in our values, our attitudes, our policies, in all areas of our work and in what we do and say.

The Kidney Foundation is committed to embracing diversity, to fostering inclusion and to creating an environment free of discrimination and a world where everyone has access to treatment and care for kidney disease. Our staff and volunteers are committed to treating all our constituents, volunteers, donors, staff, stakeholders and supporters with respect and dignity.