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With a gift in your will to The Kidney Foundation, you’re creating a legacy of hope. Thanks to generous donor support, we’ve made tremendous strides. Today, being diagnosed with kidney disease is no longer a death sentence.

Making a gift in your will is a powerful decision, and a personal one. You should know that every gift, big or small, makes a difference to the Canadians who rely on The Kidney Foundation. Your legacy of kidney care will have a tremendous impact for generations to come.
Edna and LizI’m thrilled to be able to make the gift of a lifetime to The Kidney Foundation. A gift of substance. A gift of loving and caring for other people. The gift in my will, in honour of my mother, is one of the most meaningful things I’ve ever done in my life. 
Read Liz's Story


Sylvie CharbonneauDetermined to continue my contribution to help people affected by kidney disease, I have chosen to leave a legacy gift to The Kidney Foundation in my will. I want to fight for this cause as long as I’m alive — and now my fight will continue after I’m gone, too.
Read Sylvie's Story


Harvey ThomsonIt took my wife and me a few years to get around to updating our wills, but when we did, it was incredibly easy to add a bequest.  Given that kidney disease will be affecting more and more Canadians in the years ahead, I cannot think of a better way to leave a lasting gift.
Read Harvey's Story


Bill BakerBill wanted to do something meaningful on his passing for both and knew the power of charitable giving. Some time ago, he had taken out a life insurance policy naming The Kidney Foundation of Canada as beneficiary of the policy proceeds. 
Read Bill's Story


Click on the links below for more information.
  • Why should I leave a gift to The Kidney Foundation?
    If you dream of a cure for life-limiting kidney disease, we might be a good choice for you – because we do, too. With the help of generous donors, we’ve led the way in funding kidney research since 1964! The work of kidney researchers has led to so many incredible advancements, like:
    • Developing and improving of dialysis treatment, so kidney patients can dialyse at home
    • Breakthroughs in life-saving organ transplantation
    • Better prediction and prevention of kidney disease
    Bequest gifts have been vital to that research – and will be key to even more discoveries in the years to come. Your legacy gift will also empower kidney patients through education increased awareness about kidney disease.

    We have the power to relieve the burden of kidney disease. But, it’s only possible with your help. With a gift in your will to The Kidney Foundation, you’re committing to improving the lives of people with kidney disease – today, tomorrow, and for as long as it takes to end kidney disease.
  • How can I leave a gift in my will?
    A legacy gift is an incredible way to create a future without kidney disease. Each manner of giving has its own benefits to you, to beneficiaries of your estate, and The Kidney Foundation. Below you’ll find a few ways you can leave a transformative gift.

    If a bequest seems right for you, there are three simple ways to leave this type of gift:
    • Leaving a residual gift ensures all other commitments of your estate (including gifts to loved ones) are met in full. The remainder is then given to The Kidney Foundation.
    • A percentage of your estate allows you to decide what portion of your estate you’d like to leave as a charitable gift.
    • A fixed amount gift allows you to dedicate a specific dollar amount to The Kidney Foundation. This is a good option for those who feel confident in their estate’s ability to meet all their priorities.
    Another popular giving vehicle is a gift of life insurance. This type of giving allows you to make small monthly payments into a life insurance policy. Over the years, it can allow you to make a substantial gift while also meeting your financial responsibilities on a day-to-day basis.

    If you’re considering a gift to The Kidney Foundation of Canada in your will, we would be more than happy to discuss your plans with you. Please feel free to call Linda Pellas at 438-813-7990 or email her at [email protected]. Rest assured that your inquiry will be treated confidentially and does not obligate you in any way.
  • What important information do I need?
    Our legal name: The Kidney Foundation of Canada

    Our charitable registration number is: 107567398RR0001

    If you already have a will, a simple clause known as a codicil can be used to amend your will. We strongly recommend that you consult with your lawyer or estate planner when considering making a bequest. 

    Below, you’ll find examples of codicil language that you may wish to use:

    Residual Gift: “I give to The Kidney Foundation of Canada one hundred per cent (100%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate for its general purposes.”

    Percentage of Estate Gift: “I give to The Kidney Foundation of Canada ____ per cent of the value of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

    Fixed Amount Gift: “I give to The Kidney Foundation of Canada the sum of $______ to be used for its general purposes.”
  • Do many people leave gifts in their wills?
    More than one million Canadians have left gifts to their favourite charities in their wills. As our population ages, that number is sure to rise. Individuals with families often find that with their children well-established, they have the ability to make this kind of transformative gift. Those without children find that they can make an even greater impact long into the future by leaving a charitable bequest in their will.
  • Can anyone make a charitable gift in their will?
    Anyone who is committed to improving the lives of people living with kidney disease can leave a gift to The Kidney Foundation. Perhaps you or a loved one has benefited from the work of the Foundation on your own journey to better kidney health. Or, perhaps you're a long-time donor who wishes to extend your giving even further. Whatever your reason for giving, a gift in your will gives hope to the 1 in 10 Canadians who deal with kidney disease on a daily basis, and the millions more who are at risk.
  • How will you use my gift?
    Whether supporting education and advocacy efforts, advancing critical research, or investing in new and innovative treatment options, know that your gift will have a tremendous impact. We know that many donors have a particular area of work that they’d like to support; if this is the case, we’d be happy to speak with you about your wishes.
  • Will my name and/or my gift be made public?
    Making a gift in your will is an extremely personal decision, and we have the utmost respect for that. We will never publish or publicize your name or your gift without your express consent to do so.
  • How can I learn more?
    We’d be delighted to speak with you about your considerations for including The Kidney Foundation of Canada in your will. Please reach out to Linda Pellas at [email protected] or 438-813-7990.  There is no obligation at all and your discussions will remain private and confidential.