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Mar 13, 2019

The Kidney Foundation of Canada announces ‘Six Degrees of Kidney Disease’ Digital Fundraising Initiative

The Foundation Alongside Notable Canadians Tom Wilson and Delaney Holley Encourages Canadians to Share ‘The Six’ and Their Kidney Connection

Today on World Kidney Day, The Kidney Foundation of Canada is kicking off its inaugural Six Degrees of Kidney Disease awareness and fundraising initiative. The social campaign aims to create a groundswell of conversation surrounding how prevalent kidney disease is amongst Canadians while raising funds to support The Foundation’s programs and research for those affected by the disease.

One in ten Canadians lives with kidney disease. Which means that within just six degrees of separation, you can be connected to anyone in Canada through this often-invisible disease.  Aiming to highlight this connection, participants are asked to join the #SixDegreeChallenge online by posting a picture of themselves throwing “The Six” (holding up six fingers), captioning it with their own story and connection to kidney disease.  They can then tag and nominate others to join the challenge and raise awareness leading up to a 24-hour day of online giving on March 27.

Donations can be made by going online or by phone at 1-800-387-4474

March is Kidney Health Month. The 2019 theme of World Kidney Day - ‘Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere’ - spurred a conversation about building a community of support around those living with the disease. The Six Degrees of Kidney Disease platform was built from this and the story between the Foundation partners, Canadian musical icon Tom Wilson and 2014’s Miss Intercontinental Canada Delaney Holley. Two Canadians who have never met and yet are connected by the disease through their own personal backgrounds.  Wilson and Holley kicked off the social campaign earlier this week sharing their #SixDegreeChallenge story with photos taken by celebrity photographer Matt Barnes.

Through the #SixDegreesChallenge, The Kidney Foundation hopes to raise awareness of the high burden of kidney diseases worldwide. A report on the increasing out-of-pocket costs for Canadians with kidney failure has served as the cornerstone for many of The Kidney Foundation’s recent advocacy efforts by underscoring the financial hardships that kidney patients face every day. The Foundation has invested over $123M in kidney-related research since 1964 and continues to raise millions of dollars for research initiatives, patient support programs, and education activities each year.

For more information on the #SixDegreeChallenge and to make your donation on March 27, visit All funds raised will benefit The Kidney Foundation, which offers programming and services to Canadians affected by kidney disease and funds kidney research.

Follow along on social with the #SixDegreeChallenge to see other notable Canadians’ stories.

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