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Mar 14, 2019

Ontario Kidney Walk Raises over $900,000

In thirty-five communities over four weekends in September, the kidney community joined together to take a giant step in the fight against kidney disease raising over $900,000.

Individuals living with kidney disease, caregivers, family, friends, and health professionals united to fundraise and come together as a community to raise awareness and funds to support those affected by kidney disease through education, patient support programs, and by funding research to improve understanding of kidney disease and its treatments.

Thank you to national sponsor Otsuka Canada Pharmaceutical Inc., provincial media sponsor YESTV, t-shirt supplier Entripy Custom Clothing and the many local and regional sponsors who supported the event through sponsorships and gifts in kind.

The Kidney Walks are The Kidney Foundations largest fundraising event raising over $2 million each year. 
You can find photographs from your Kidney Walk on our Flickr and Facebook.

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