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Sep 15, 2020

Show Them You’ve Got Their Back

On September 27th at 10am, the kidney community will join for the annual Kidney Walk. The virtual walk will see participants walking with their families and teams in their own neighbourhoods, at local parks or in their yards in communities across Ontario.

“Kidney Walks are a special opportunity for families, friends and caregivers to rally in support of their loved ones living with kidney disease,” said Craig Kerr, President of The Kidney Foundation’s Ontario Branch. “The Kidney Walks will look different this year as we transition to a virtual format, but the reason people walk remains the same: to show their loved one they’ve got their back.”

The Kidney Walk celebration will go online on September 27th using Facebook and YouTube. Kidney Walks are a time when those living with kidney disease and their loved ones, see that they are not alone in their experience. Instead of that face to face interaction found at a traditional walk, the Foundation is encouraging participants to share videos and photos from their walk to celebrate, honour and advocate for kidney health and organ donation disease using #KidneyWalkCanada.

On average 1 in 10 Canadians has kidney disease and millions more are at risk. Kidney disease is treated with dialysis or a kidney transplant; there is no cure. Over 12,000 Ontarians depend on life-sustaining dialysis treatments several times a week and many of those waiting for a transplant need a kidney.

A diagnosis of kidney disease changes lives and affects the entire family. For some, it means losing hours of the week to dialysis, which affects opportunities to work, travel or spend time together. The pandemic has led to increased financial challenges and feelings of isolation and stress.

The Kidney Walks raise important funds to support the Foundation’s mission. “This year, more than ever before, patients need your support," said Kerr. “The kidney community is strong and resilient and so are their families, friends and supporters,” he added. “We are looking forward to this year’s virtual Kidney Walk and continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of kidney patients.”

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