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Sep 14, 2018

Hamilton couple support of others touched by kidney disease at Hamilton Kidney Walk

For eight months last year, Mike Ferrante received peritoneal dialysis for 11 to 12 hours a night. It was a terribly difficult time for the father of 2 young children. “He was so sick, he couldn’t work,” his wife, Marianne recalls. “Sometimes, it felt like I was a single parent. He was only 40 and it was incredibly scary to see how rapidly his health declined.”

In December, Mike received a kidney transplant from a living donor. “We were so fortunate to have incredibly supportive friends,” says Marianne. “It wasn’t a matter of finding someone willing to donate a kidney; his friends lined up to be screened as possible donors.” Since the transplant, Mike has returned to great health.

Despite his comparatively short time on dialysis, Mike and Marianne understand just how hard the life-sustaining therapy can be on the person with kidney failure, as well as on the entire family. Looking back on the experience, Marianne comments “you just don’t realize how important your kidneys are until they start to fail.” That’s why events like Kidney Walk are so important to the couple.

Mike and Marianne are very proud to be the 2018 Hamilton Kidney Walk Ambassadors. “It’s our first time at the walk. We were so lucky that Mike got a kidney transplant and we’re extremely grateful to the fantastic doctors at St. Joe’s. We really wanted to give back and support others affected by kidney disease.

“To those waiting for a donor kidney, Mike and Marianne offer this advice: don’t ever give up hope. And to everyone else, the couple suggests doing what all of Mike’s friends did following his surgery – register to be an organ donor.

Join Mike and Marianne at this year's Hamilton Kidney Walk on Sunday, September 23, 2018. Register today:

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