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Sep 11, 2018

Kidney Walk is a source of support for new dialysis patient

Sylvie of Cornwall is new to the world of kidney disease. In fact, Sylvia began dialysis just a few weeks ago. After being diabetic for years, doctors told Sylvie her kidneys were damaged. While a change in diet and a focus on active living slowed the effects, Sylvie’s kidneys failed this past June.

“For the last few years, I have been dealing with the reality that I was probably going to go on dialysis. No one likes the stories we hear about dialysis, but, at the very beginning I was given the option of doing it at home and that option gave me hope.”

When Sylvie realized her kidneys were failing, she became involved with the Cornwall Kidney Walk as a way to raise awareness of the risk diabetes creates for kidney disease. Affecting 1 in 10 Canadians, kidney disease has few symptoms and people living with diabetes are encouraged to talk with their doctor about their increased risk of kidney failure. At the Walks, Sylvie was able to connect with others who had already started dialysis.
“There was encouragement from other people at the walk. I heard some good stories and that got me through the last year as well. Just hearing the stories about how people grow and process and deal with the reality of kidney failure or dialysis or transplant and that it can be done and that I’m not alone.”

As Sylvie began dialysis this past month, she reflects on why having a positive attitude (and a sense of humour!) can make a difference, “By the end of the [second hemodialysis training] day…it all of the sudden just hit me. It was a very low point and it brought me back to the day I learned I had diabetes. It is the fear of the unknown. I had a couple of pep talks and talked to a nurse who kind of shifted my point of view again. It’s not exactly as easy-peesey as I thought it might be…I will have to put on my big girl pants!”

Sylvie invites you to join her and the rest of the Cornwall kidney community this Saturday, September 22, 2018 to take a giant step in the fight against kidney disease. Join your local Kidney Walk today and register online

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