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Feb 25, 2021

Living Your Best Life with Kidney Disease

Did you know you can lose up to 90% of your kidney function before experiencing symptoms? In many cases, the signs of kidney disease aren't noticed until the kidneys are close to failure.

Each year the rate of kidney disease continues to rise. Every March, the Kidney Foundation promotes Kidney Health month to help raise awareness about the warning signs and risk factors associated with kidney disease. This year, we invite you to participate in our first virtual forum – Living Your Best Life with Kidney Disease.

Our forum is FREE and will take place over three days, starting Tuesday, March 9, 2021 and concluding on World Kidney Day, Thursday March 11, 2021. The program has been developed in partnership with people living with kidney disease and it will bring together patients, care partners, healthcare professionals and researchers all over Canada who will share information to help you live your best life with kidney disease.

One of the speakers is Dr. Janine Farragher. She is an occupational therapist and a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Calgary. She will be presenting on Managing Fatigue. People who have kidney failure often feel unusually tired, which interferes with their ability to live life normally. During her doctoral degree, Dr. Farragher created a program that teaches people with end stage renal disease how they can manage their energy during their everyday life, using strategies like prioritizing, organizing home and workspaces, and using good body postures.

Care for your kidneys by seeing your doctor for regular check-ups and asking, “how are my kidneys?” Manage your diabetes, have a healthy blood pressure, know your family’s kidney health history, take medications as prescribed, stop smoking, eat healthy, limit alcohol, aim for a healthy weight, and be active. It can start with having an extra glass of water each day to keep your kidneys healthy.

For more information or to register, please visit the event page, email or call 204-989-0806.

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