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Jul 31, 2018

Windsor student keeps hope alive by joining Windsor-Essex Kidney Walk

My name is Nate. I am twenty-six years old and, four years ago, my kidneys failed. When I was born, my dad was living with a successful kidney transplant. When my dad’s transplant failed, he resumed hemodialysis. No matter the difficulties though, both my parents raised my sister and me with a lot of love. My father was the kindest person that I have ever known.

As kids, both my sister and I tested negative for kidney disease. However, when I turned eighteen, doctors found protein in my urine. I was prescribed medication to lower my rising blood pressure and I went on with my life. Four years later, following a routine checkup, I was told that I needed to begin emergency dialysis.
A month after my kidneys failed, on April 8, 2014, my dad passed away at just 49 years old. Still in the hospital after watching kidney disease get the best of my dad, I feared I might end up just like him.

The first six months of dialysis were hard. I did my best to stay strong for my family, but, I was losing hope. After a particularly scary stay in the intensive care unit, I realized I was terrified that kidney disease might keep me from living a full life. Surrounded by my loved ones, I began to focus on getting healthy and active. 

Today, I am an active volunteer with The Kidney Foundation and the Ontario Renal Network, and I am grateful to be the Ambassador for the Windsor-Essex Kidney Walk. I walk for all families affected by kidney disease and for a future filled with hope. If you have been recently diagnosed with kidney disease, I hope you will keep your head up and be brave, because there is light in this life.

I invite you to join me on September 23 at the Windsor Kidney Walk. Register your team today:

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