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Oct 8, 2020

Ontario Kidney Walk Surpasses Goal

On September 27th Kidney Walkers from across the province joined virtually for the annual Kidney Walk.  From Timmins to Niagara, Windsor to Ottawa, Kidney Walkers rose to the challenge and walked the block, skipped in the suburbs and danced in their driveways raising an amazing $650,000 to support crucial programs and services.   

“We are so grateful to our kidney community for their tremendous support. This year was certainly a different walk experience, but the spirit of our community shone bright. To see so many faces online throughout the day, helped highlight the impact of kidney disease and helped raise public awareness,” said Anthony Tirone, Executive Director. 

The Kidney Walks represent The Kidney Foundation’s largest community fundraising initiative.  With the safety of our community top of mind, the walks transitioned to virtual events this year. Walk day featured a virtual opening ceremony and custom video webinars on a variety of topics.  

The walks would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of our volunteers, Team Captains, participants and donors.  Thank you to national partner Otsuka Canada Pharmaceutical Inc., national supporter Horizon and provincial media sponsor YESTV, and the many local and regional sponsors. 
View our Kidney Walk Memories photo album. 

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