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Feb 28, 2018

New Peer Support Group in Scarborough

During Kidney Health Month 2018, the Ontario Branch of The Kidney Foundation along with The Scarborough and Rouge Hospital have partnered to launch a new peer support group for anyone touched by kidney disease.
Peer support groups are not new to the Ontario region with dedicated group members already meeting in many other communities across the province. The development of a kidney peer support group in Scarborough, however, marks a new and diverse opportunity to improve the lives of Canadians affected by a diagnosis of kidney disease.

Kidney Connect peer support groups are a place where patients, their families, and their caregivers can all receive education from fellow patients who have been there too. Through participation in support groups, those touched by kidney disease can: take an active role in managing their kidney disease, increase their knowledge of common treatments and techniques, learn coping skills, and become a member of the larger kidney community.

Many who have connected through Kidney Connect find they learn from other patients’ experiences and receive the emotional support they need from others who understand.

With the Scarborough Hospital, The Kidney Foundation invites those from the Scarborough community to join the new Kidney Connect Support group. Group sessions in Scarborough are held once a month in the afternoon and evenings. Whether you are recently diagnosed, on dialysis, working toward a transplant, a donor or a loved one, Kidney Connect is the place to find others just like you.

Learn more about peer support.

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