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Aug 21, 2018

Brockville mom and twelve-year-old daughter raise awareness for 2018 Kidney Walk

At two-years-old Destiny, was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) during a precautionary screening. Because PKD runs in the family, Destiny’s parents made the decision to get their children tested to get in front of the disease, to learn more about it and to be able to better monitor for complications.

Now, at twelve years old, Destiny attends yearly appointments to get updated tests, including getting bloodwork done, which Destiny says is the most challenging part of her disease because she is no fan of needles. Dawn shares the most challenging part of Destiny’s diagnosis as a mom is not being able to fix it. “To hear your child is ill and not quite understand exactly what’s happening is tough.” Dawn wants other parents to know that they are not alone in their children’s diagnosis. There are support systems out there. When Destiny was first diagnosed Dawn felt alone, “going through a crazy diagnosis without knowledge or support” but she since has found help and support through loved ones, doctors, nurses and their community at the Brockville Kidney Walk.

For four years, Dawn and Destiny have created a team of loved ones to participate in the walk. This year, Destiny and her team are also preparing a float for their community parade to bring attention to kidney disease and organ donation. Dawn and Destiny want to raise awareness about the Kidney Walk and let people know the event isn’t just for kidney patients, it also acts as a support system for those in the community and raises awareness about organ donation and how important it is to become a donor.

Joining Dawn and Destiny at the walk again this year is Destiny’s best friend, who is also named Destinee. The twelve-year-olds share a name and similar kidney stories. Destinee was born with a horseshoe kidney, meaning she too will have to monitor her kidney health and try her best to avoid any complications. Kidney disease can impact anyone at any age. As a mom, Dawn understands feeling lost in the diagnosis of kidney disease for your child, but she wants to remind everyone that you are not alone.

Join Destiny and Dawn at this year's Brockville Kidney Walk on September 8, 2018.

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