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Jun 26, 2020

Launch of Project Masks in Manitoba

The Kidney Foundation is saluting dedicated members of Hutterite colonies in southern Manitoba who volunteered to sew masks in support of individuals on dialysis and those affected by kidney disease. Over 6,000 masks were delivered to the Kidney Foundation office. Without access to volunteers, staff worked hard to package the masks with instructions and sent them to those in need.

In addition, MacMor Industries stepped up by providing over 2,000 medical grade masks to support healthcare professionals and ensure our kidney community as a whole is protected. People with kidney disease are at a higher risk for COVID-19, therefore these prevention methods are crucial.

The Kidney Foundation contacted and delivered masks to home hemodialysis and transplant patients; masks were distributed throughout Westman and mailed to numerous rural and northern dialysis patients and their supports. Masks are also available through the Manitoba Renal Program for in-centre dialysis patients, peritoneal dialysis patients and those attending renal clinics (pre-dialysis).

“The goal of Project Masks was to provide an added measure of safety for those affected by kidney disease in Manitoba. Despite a pandemic, and a closed office, we have succeeded! I am so proud that we accomplished this, in what I would call record time!” exclaims Executive Director, Val Dunphy.

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