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Oct 30, 2019

Challenging Limits * Changing Lives Campaign

Local business owners Yvonne and Conrad Desender are challenging limits by calling on Manitobans to help change lives through matching the next $150,000 in donations to the Kidney Foundation’s Challenging Limits * Changing Lives campaign.

Manitoba Branch is launching the campaign to raise $1 Million in Manitoba by the end of 2020 to help people affected by kidney disease through research, prevention, patient services and public awareness of kidney health.

“We feel strongly that more needs to be done to help patients and to prevent kidney disease. I will make this investment for the health of our community, but I need you to join me in the solution.” ~ Conrad Desender

Kidney disease affects 1 in 9 Manitobans, with 1,800 currently on dialysis. Per capita, kidney disease affects more Manitobans than any other province in Canada. Over 134,000 adults and 8,600 children and teens in Manitoba are living with chronic kidney disease.

There is no cure for kidney disease. Dialysis and kidney transplant are the only treatments available. The wait times for transplants in Manitoba exceed 5 ½ years – the longest in Canada.

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