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Aug 20, 2020

The 100 Kidneys That Care

2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. During this global pandemic, the Kidney Foundation’s commitment to those affected by kidney disease has not wavered. Although many of our fundraising events have been postponed, like our Golf Tournaments and Gala Dinners, our patients are reaching out, more than ever, to access the Programs and Services they need to cope emotionally and financially. This increased demand means there is an equally urgent need for the Foundation to have the resources available to provide support.

Kidney disease does not stop, and neither can we!

The support of our donors is needed now more than ever and helps us provide the reliable information and support kidney patients need to stay safe and healthy, and also funds research that improves the lives of those affected by kidney disease in every community across Canada.

The 100 KIDNEYS THAT CARE Campaign aims to achieve 100 donations (in each of the four Atlantic provinces) of $100 or more.



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