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Jun 1, 2023

Meet Monica & Brendan

Medicine Hat Family will show they are stronger than kidney disease at this June’s Walk

Driven by their personal journey with kidney disease. Monica Vanderhorst and her family are looking forward to participating in this year’s walk. As Kidney Walk approaches, this resilient family is excited to meet others and show their support for the cause. “It's great to support each other and do something that is visible and impactful for the community. There needs to be more awareness about kidney disease and organ donation.”

Monica's 21-year-old son, Brendan, is battling kidney disease and currently on dialysis. However, hope and joy fill their hearts as Monica's husband and Brendan's stepfather, Chris Miller, has selflessly stepped up to donate his kidney to Brendan. The family recently received approval and a date for the kidney transplant, and are now eagerly awaiting their surgery in late June.

Every spring for over a decade, Medicine Hat families have participated in Kidney Walk, enjoying a morning of fun to support their kidney and transplant community. Local Kidney Walks serve as a platform where individuals impacted by kidney disease, along with their loved ones, kidney health professionals, and community members, can come together to offer mutual support. Additionally, this event aims to increase awareness of kidney disease, organ donation initiatives, and raise vital funds that will aid the Kidney Foundation in delivering local support programs and services.

Reflecting on Brendan's journey, Monica shared how they were lucky to have found out about his kidney issues when he was quite young. After a biopsy, it was discovered both Brendan and Monica have a rare genetic kidney disease called Alport Syndrome which tends to affect men more than women.

They were told that the disease would someday progress and likely present in his teens. Sadly, Brendan’s father passed away when he was 17, and he went through a tough time. He fell off his kidney health testing routine during that period, but eventually, got back on track, graduated, and began testing again.

He learned unfortunately that his kidney health had deteriorated quite rapidly in those few years, and his kidneys were failing. It was a shock for the whole family, and they didn't have much time to adjust before Brendan needed dialysis only six months ago. Despite the challenging circumstances, Brendan has shown incredible strength and a positive attitude, becoming a source of inspiration for his mother and family.

Monica and Brendan have participated in the Kidney Walk in the past. However, this year holds a special significance for them as all three of them will walk together with renewed hope for the future.

Monica expressed her immense gratitude toward her husband, Chris, for stepping up as a living kidney donor, "Chris and Brendan have an amazing relationship. We feel like it's a little bit of fate that he turned out to be a perfect match. Who would have known, 15 years ago when I met Chris, that he would be doing this? The odds were so low for them to be a match, it's truly amazing. We are forever grateful that Brendan won’t have to wait much longer on dialysis.”

When asked why they walk, Monica said, "For support and awareness. We want more people to consider being organ donors. We want to make people aware that there are so many individuals out there waiting for a kidney, yet the availability is scarce."

Kidney disease can affect anyone at any age. 45% of new patients are under 65, and 76% of Canadians waiting for an organ transplant are waiting for a kidney. The need for organs for transplantation is much greater than the available supply. The waitlist for a donation from a deceased donor can be long; the median wait time is 3.5 years. Many wait much longer. Living organ donation is a selfless gift that reduces the wait time for those receiving the donation and shortens the waitlist for others. Currently, 29% of adult kidney transplants are made possible by living donors.

Join Kidney Walk, registration is free, and the event is perfect for the whole family. Visit for more information, to sign up to walk, and to support walkers like Monica and Brendan and their fight against kidney disease.

“These past three years have proven that there are no limits to how our community will continue to support one another and this cause. When you participate in Kidney Walk, no matter where you are walking from, you realize you are not alone, and we are all in this fight together,” said Joyce Van Deurzen, Executive Director, The Kidney Foundation of Canada Southern Alberta Branch.

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