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Kidney March EXPO 2022

Sunday, April 10, 2022
On Sunday, April 10, 11:00 am MT, attend Kidney March EXPO by registering below.

This online event will equip and inspire you to join Kidney March and complete the life-changing, 3 Day, 100-kilometre journey this September. 

Kidney March is growing from coast to coast, and you can be a part of the movement. This is the 13th year for Kidney March, the only walk of its kind in the world fighting against kidney disease and for organ donation. 4 million Canadians have chronic kidney disease or are at risk. Most don’t even know until it’s too late. We’re marching to change that. 

At Kidney March EXPO you will hear past participants share their first-hand experiences, hear about the kidney cause, and have the opportunity to chat live with the whole Kidney March team. 

Visit to find out more or register to attend the EXPO today
Cost: FREE

For more information contact   
1-403-255-6139 | 1-866-956-2724

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