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The Keys to Kidney Health

The kidneys are extraordinary organs.  The kidneys do their work silently and it is only when about 70% of the kidney function is lost that people have any symptoms.   There are many people in Canada who have chronic kidney disease (CKD).  However, most of them don’t know ...

Kidney 50/50 Supports Canadians Living with Kidney Disease

Lottery enables The Kidney Foundation to provide help and hope  Ontario – The Kidney Foundation, Ontario Branch will soon be launching their only Kidney 50/50 raffle just in time for the holiday season.   “Since we started hosting 50/50 draws in 2020, we have raised o...

Improving nephrotic syndrome treatment using novel clinical trial methods

Supervisor(s):  Rulan Parekh, Anna Heath Lay Abstract Background : Nephrotic syndrome is a common childhood kidney disease which affects 3,000 Canadian children each year. In nephrotic syndrome, the kidneys leak protein into the urine, which causes the body to swell. This...

Health System-Level Barriers to Living Donor Kidney Transplantation

General Audience Summary Background: Living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) is the best treatment option for patients with kidney failure. But even though we know this, the number of patients getting LDKT in Canada has not risen in the last ten years. There are also ver...

The effects of SGLT2 inhibition on renal PGE2 mediated transport in diabetes

Lay Abstract We have worked with several diabetic models (8-10, 12) and have the materials and technical expertise to carry out the proposed biochemical, functional, and translational studies at the Kidney Research Centre. Considering the timeline needed to conduct these lo...

2023 Quebec Branch Recognition Awards

The Kidney Foundation recently recognized the outstanding contributions of its volunteers through the chapters’ and Quebec Branch’s 2023 Recognition Awards. Chapter awards (Volunteer of the year) LÉVI-TROTTIER AWARD (Abitibi-Témiscamingue Chapter): Caroline Langevin AN...

Outcomes of the One-Day Living Kidney Donor Candidate Assessment Clinic

Lay Abstract For many patients who live with kidney failure, the best treatment option is a kidney transplant from a living donor. A living donor transplant offers patients a longer and better quality of life at a fraction of the cost of dialysis. Each year, 2000 people in ...

A study of patient-reported distress measures

Lay Summary Chronic kidney disease is a life-changing illness. People living with chronic kidney disease have high rates of distress, such as anxiety, depression, social or physical difficulties, pain or sleep problems. When combined, these emotional and physical difficult...

The use of new glucose lowering therapies to reduce cardiorenal risk in kidney transplant recipients

Supervisor(s):  David Cherney Lay Abstract Background: Approximately 4 million Canadians live with chronic kidney disease, a progressive condition which worsens over time leading to kidney failure. Individuals with kidney failure suffer from disability, depression, incr...

Improving perioperative risk prediction for people with kidney disease

Lay Abstract Risk of surgery for people with kidney failure: Bringing the patient voice to research Background: People with kidney failure have up to 16 times more surgeries than people without kidney disease, with worse outcomes afterwards including a higher risk of heart ...

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