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Gender-Based Barriers to Referral for Kidney Transplantation in Canada

Lay Abstract Background: A kidney transplant is the best treatment for patients with kidney failure (KF). However, even though women have more KF than men, women are much less likely to receive a kidney transplant. The reason for this is unknown but may relate to difference...

Body Image and Self-Esteem

The Body Image and Self-Esteem webinar was held on June 28. The discussions in this webinar was to empower you to think about body image in a new light. Topics include: Stretch marks, hair and weight changes from medications and treatments Dialysis accesses Dating with CK...

Hyperphosphatemia - Be Aware!

The kidneys remove wastes from the blood and return the cleaned blood back to the body.  When the kidneys aren’t working properly, minerals which would normally be removed by the kidneys build-up in the body.  Phosphorus is a mineral which helps keep your bones strong and ...

Treatment Modalities for Kidney Failure

In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, lifestyle changes (such as getting more exercise, stopping smoking and cutting down on sodium), managing other medical conditions and taking a few medications may be all the treatment needed to slow the damage to the kidneys. Peo...

Annie’s story

My name is Annie, I am a 30-year-old mom of a seven-year-old little boy and I have chronic kidney disease (CKD). I am very grateful and overjoyed to, finally, say I am a successful kidney transplant recipient! After many years of living with insecurity everyday regarding my h...


Canadians Seeking Solutions and Innovations to Overcome Chronic Kidney Disease (Can-SOLVE CKD) is a unique patient-oriented kidney research network that puts patients at the heart of everything that is done. The goal of the network is to improve the quality of care of those wi...

What is Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease describes a variety of conditions and disorders that affect the kidneys.  Most kidney disease attack the filtering units of the kidneys—the nephrons—and damage their ability to eliminate wastes and excess fluids. Kidney disease can range from mild to severe and ...

Non-Dialysis Supportive Care

In non-dialysis supportive care, the focus is on treating your kidney disease with diet and medication.  Your health care team will continue to support you with active, high quality medical care and will try to preserve your remaining kidney function for as long as possible.  ...

Targeting CHOP expression to prevent ischemic AKI

Lay Abstract The overall objective of this research proposal is to determine how the response of kidney cells to problems with protein production and folding can cause these cells to die and how we can stop this process. Death of kidney cells occurs when the kidney does not...

Identifying and addressing the educational needs of patients from historically marginalized groups o

Lay Abstract Kidney transplantation is the best treatment for patients with end stage kidney failure. There is however a gap between the number of patients waiting for a transplant and the number of organs available leading to death of patients. Meanwhile, there are numerou...

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