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May 8, 2023

National Emergency Preparedness Week

Are You Prepared?

Did you know that May 7-13 is National Emergency Preparedness Week? Being prepared in the event of a disaster is important, especially for patients who may need assistance or be required to receive dialysis in a new location.

In recognition of National Emergency Preparedness Week, Kidney PLUGGED In has a special episode featuring what to do if your safety or the safety of the people you care about is impacted by a national emergency.

Record your medications, frequency, and dose; have information on hand on how to disconnect in a power outage; and take note of your medical history should you need to seek assistance from an emergency responder or a doctor unfamiliar with your case.

Visit BC Renal today and print off helpful forms and other resources on how to be prepared in case of an emergency. Keep this information and a three-day supply of your medications with your emergency kit in a nearby, easy-to-access location.

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