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The Active Living for Life program was created to increase the rates of physical activity, physical literacy and capacity in individuals with chronic kidney disease.  

Originally designed as an in-person exercise and education program, the Active Living for Life program is now being delivered virtually.  The program is free of charge to chronic kidney disease patients and their support person(s).  The program allows people to become more active and have more energy to do the things they love! Participants can learn kidney-friendly exercise in a virtual class setting, participate in discussions and share ideas to help make healthy choices.  

The program consists of two 45 minutes classes per week. The first week provides an introduction to the program including meeting fellow classmates and instructors, individual evaluations, and an introduction to the exercise programs. The program focuses on different aspects of fitness targeting stability, injury prevention, posture, muscular strength, and flexibility. The cardio component is individual; however, support is provided to you throughout the program to assist with increasing your cardio activity using a pedometer.  

The ALFL Online program is offered through Embodia app (an online platform for exercise prescription, telerehab and continuing education), which uses Zoom for Healthcare as an underlying platform for communication and program delivery. To ensure successful participation you will be required to have a reliable internet connection and access to a computer or a tablet with a working video camera and a microphone 

The virtual exercise sessions will be offered twice a week for 12 weeks. You can choose to participate in one or both sessions. Each exercise session is 45 minutes in length and will consist of a 5-minute warm up, followed by 30 minutes of strength and balance training and 10 minutes of cool down exercises. At the end of each session the participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and exchange comments. Each virtual session will be facilitated by a Registered Kinesiologist specializing in exercise rehabilitation and chronic disease management. In addition, a second person (Kinesiology and Health Promotion student from the Sheridan College) will be monitoring the class to help ensure safe participation. 

The current program has grown considerably with the support of the Kazman Foundation for Charitable Giving, in partnership with William Osler Health Systems, Sheridan College, The Kidney Foundation of Canada and lead Registered Kinesiologist, Monika Dylewski.  

The Active Living for Life program focuses on balance, stability, flexibility, muscular endurance and strength, and flexibility with the goal of supporting active daily living skills, reducing falls and improving overall quality of life. The program has become a place where patients, their families, student assistances and health professionals gather in a safe, warm and welcoming space to be healthy, positive and learn together.  

Interested in learning more about the Active Living for Life Program? Contact  or contact a member of the Programs Team.  

Exercise Safety 

The safety of patients is of the utmost importance for everyone involved in the Active Living for Life program. Before starting the program, speak with your doctor and healthcare team. 
When taking part in the program, or trying these exercises at home, remember these important tips:  

  • Stretch and warm up your muscles prior to starting. 

  • Speak with your dietitian prior to starting an exercise program. 

  • Have a "spotter," who can assist you if required. 

  • Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move. 

  • Listen to your body and stop exercising immediately if you are short of breath, have chest pain, feel light-headed or feel ill. 

  • Keep a phone nearby should you need to call for assistance. 

Get started with some easy exercises that you can do from the comfort of home. 

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