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3-2-6-BCY-Kidney-Camp-Photos-2.jpgThe BC & Yukon Branch, along with COTS (Childrens Organ Transplant Society) offers kids aged 10-18 the chance to experience a 5-day summer adventure with their peers. These youth are affected by kidney disease, or have received a kidney, lung, liver or heart transplant. Held at Camp Latona in July, Kidney Kids Camp provides outdoor fun, while attending to the children’s individual safety and medical well-being.

Water-skiing, crafts, paddling, ropes course, swimming, archery, hiking and great food are all part of the adventure for these kids with special medical needs. New friendships are forged, and great fun is had by all. We pay all camping fees for children each summer.

All children are referred to us by BC's Children's Hospital. For more information on how to apply, contact your renal team at BC Children’s Hospital.

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