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Feb 28, 2025

Take Control of Your Health This March

March is Kidney Health Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about kidney disease and the importance of maintaining kidney health. This annual campaign is especially significant in our province, where kidney disease affects 1 in 10 Manitobans.

Did you know that your annual check-up doesn’t automatically include testing for kidney disease? Your kidneys work hard everyday to keep you healthy, but without proper screening, problems can go unnoticed. By requesting a test with your doctor, you can take charge of your health and gain valuable insight into how well your kidneys are functioning.

There are two types of tests your doctor can run at your request:

  1. Blood Test: A blood test measures your serum creatine level, which indicates how well your kidneys are filtering blood.
  2. Urinalysis: A urinalysis looks for a protein in your urine called albumin. The more albumin detected, the greater risk you have of losing kidney function over time.

Until your next doctor’s appointment, take care of your kidneys with these resources:

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