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May 3, 2024

Expanding Kidney Walk Across Manitoba

We’re excited to introduce Walk in a Box: the easiest way to bring the kidney community together in your town this year.

For 60 years we have celebrated the resilience, bravery, and strength of our kidney and transplant community. For 10 years we’ve walked alongside many of them at our annual Kidney Walks. But we know our community stretches to every corner of our province, beyond the towns we’ve walked in.

That’s why we created Walk in a Box.

Walk in a Box is a kit we mail to you that has everything you need to host your very own walk. Celebrate a loved one’s transplant, support a friend on dialysis, or simply raise awareness of kidney disease by organizing a Kidney Walk in your community.

How to get started:

  1. Send us an email with your contact information, the town you’re in, and the date you plan to host your Walk.
  2. We’ll add your event to so friends can register to walk with you.
  3. Keep an eye on the mail for your Walk in a Box kit, which includes everything you need to host your walk: posters, t-shirts, pledge forms and more.

Whether you’re in Steinbach or Portage la Prairie, Pinawa or Thompson, we want to help you bring a cause you care about to your community.

Contact us today to start planning!
Christine Ahrens

P.S. Your walk makes a difference, whether it’s with 10 of your closest friends or 100 community members. Every step brings us closer to a future without kidney disease!

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