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Jul 18, 2023

Celebrating 25 Years of Kidney Camp

For 25 years, The Kidney Foundation of Canada has been able to send kids living with kidney disease to camp, thanks to donors like you.

We all know that camp is an opportunity for kids to make new friends, learn new skills, and gain confidence. But for kids diagnosed with kidney disease, they miss out on these essential experiences.

Children living with kidney disease face a whole new world of barriers that prevent them from just being a kid. That’s why Kidney Camp is so important.

Each year, children who wouldn't normally be able to enjoy camp due to chronic illness are joined by nephrologists and renal nurses at Kidney Camp. They ensure the kidney campers are taking their meds, drinking enough water, and going to their appointments.

“Your kids are in great hands. There are doctors and nurses there all week, which is more than what we have in the home.” – Ashley, parent of Kidney Camper Mya

Not only do these special Manitoba children get to enjoy the outdoors under the watchful supervision of medical professionals, more importantly, they meet other kids who are just like them. Like Mya, who joined us at Kidney Camp last year.

“As Mya gets older, she’s beginning to feel different than her classmates. That’s why I was thrilled for her to be able to go to Kidney Camp, where she could just be a kid.” – Ashley, parent of Kidney Camper Mya

At camp Mya learned new skills, like how to float in water, but more importantly, she met other kids just like her. During that week, Mya learned that she’s not alone – that there are kids, big and small, who are just like her. You made that possible.

Every dollar donated to kidney camp is worthwhile. The experiences at camp for each kidney kid are beyond measure. Kids build confidence and they come back gaining life-long friends.

“It changed my life. Before that first day at camp, I had never met another kid with kidney disease. I thought I was the only one. The friends I made there and the confidence it gave me had a huge impact on my life.” – Justine, previous Kidney Camper

The Kidney Foundation of Canada wants to express its deepest gratitude to its donors, who have made camp possible for Manitoba children living with kidney disease for 25 years.

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