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Warren Wong

Warren’s late wife, Ruth, was diagnosed with kidney disease when she was 12 years old. Ruth and Warren met at university when they were both 21, and two years after they met, Ruth started hemodialysis treatments at The Ottawa Hospital (TOH). They also performed hemodialysis treatments at home in the early to mid-1980s. Ruth had five kidney transplants in her lifetime: three at TOH; and because her situation had become medically complex, her fourth and fifth transplants were referred by TOH to the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). One of Ruth’s transplants was a kidney donated by one of her sisters. Ruth and Warren were together 44 years.

Warren spent 20 years working in the international development field and 20 years assessing the economic and social benefits and impact of public sector science and technology programs. He retired two years before Ruth died to care for her. Since Ruth passed, Warren has been volunteering at The Ottawa Hospital’s Riverside Hemodialysis Unit. Warren is very grateful to be a member of the PCAN as he cannot think of a better way to both honour Ruth and support kidney research.